About Yellow Shoes

The Faith Dutton Yellow Shoes foundation was created in 2020 by members of Faith’s family, her yearbook adviser, and her sophomore social studies teacher. They wanted to create a organization that would help those in need just as Faith strived to build up others who needed help, and they wanted to have Faith’s memory live on by giving back to the Wando High School community.

Yellow Shoes is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Aside from minor administrative costs such as website and marketing, all proceeds given to Yellow Shoes go directly to students in need at Wando and their families.

Who Benefits?

Proceeds from the Yellow Shoes Foundation go toward:

  • Scholarship opportunities for Wando students with financial needs.

  • Donations to Dream Weavers, Wando’s program that assists families in need during the holiday seasons.

  • Coverage of field trip costs to scholastic journalism conferences for yearbook students who cannot afford them.

  • Assistance to families who lose a student to tragedy while enrolled at Wando.

Logo and Name

The Yellow Shoes logo and name reference Faith’s favorite yellow sneakers, her trademark style that defined her bold and outgoing personality. The sprouting sunflower in the logo references Faith’s favorite flower and represents the life and joy that sprung from Faith. The colored-pencil style of the logo references the pictures Faith used to draw in class for her teachers.

Wearing Yellow

Members of family, friends of Faith, and members of Wando’s yearbook staff wear yellow on Dec. 10, Faith’s birthday. Some even wear their own yellow sneakers. If you are a generous contributor to the Yellow Shoes Foundation, you may wish to consider wearing yellow on Dec. 10 as well to honor her as you have added to her legacy of kindness and helping others.

Why just Wando High School?

Our focus is on the students in need at Wando High as this is where Faith made the largest impact in people’s lives. We hope to one day expand to assisting the greater Mount Pleasant community, but at the moment, we are a small operation and will remain focused on the Wando community for the time being.

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